Residency Letters of Interest, Thank Yous, & Letters of Intent

Following up with residency programs during the medical residency application cycle is extremely important and can help garner more interviews, higher rankings, and ultimately, your best Match.

Generally speaking, there are three types of residency follow-up letters:

  1. Letters of Interest
  2. Thank You Letters
  3. Letters of Intent

Letters of Interest

Sent to programs you’ve applied to but have not yet heard back from to express your particular interest in their program.

Thank You Letters

Sent after completing your residency interview. Do NOT send Thank You Letters to programs that have explicitly told interviewees not to send them.

Letters of Intent

Sent during Rank Order season to those programs you intend on ranking highly and possibly expressing a number one rank choice.

Every Residency Letter of Communication Signature Should Include:

Need Help Editing Your Residency Letters of Communication?

Sending Letters of Interest to Residency Programs

The Goal: Generate interest in your candidacy from top programs you have not yet heard from.

Send To: Residency Letters of Interest should be sent to approximately your top 5-20 programs.

When to Send: Send 1 month BEFORE applications are released- OR – send at least 2-3 weeks after applications have been released by ERAS. If applying late, be sure to give programs at least 1-2 weeks before sending follow up Letters of Interest.

Sample Residency Letter of Interest Content

Possible Letter of Interest Subject Lines:

Addressed To:

Residency Letter of Interest Content:

1. The specific reasons for your interest in the program. This could include specific research projects, elective rotations, special training tracks, wellness initiatives, and geographic preferences. The Mission and Values of the program are also options, but typically come across as generic and non-informative to your specific interest.

This is the most important part of the Letter of Interest. Sell the program to themselves. Make them understand ALL the reasons you are so excited to be a part of their program.

Do not copy and paste information from the program’s website; it will be obvious to programs that you’ve done this.

2. The most important strengths you’re bringing to the table. Look back at your Personal Statement and CV. Identify 2-3 points you can draw their attention to that are most relevant to their program (which you’ve already discussed via your reasons for your interest).

3. How you plan to contribute to/improve the program. Briefly summarize your intended involvement and attributes that will add to their program.

You can conclude by reiterating your sincere interest and hope for an opportunity to discuss further, also inviting them to look at your ERAS Application.

Optional: Attach your ERAS CV or a separate professional CV to the email for quick reference.

Sending Thank You Letters to Residency Programs

The Goal: Expressing thanks and reinforcing memorable aspects of your interview with key interviewers.

Send To: All residency programs that have interviewed you and do not have a policy against Thank You Letters. Send to as many key individuals that interviewed you as is possible and reasonable for each program.

When to Send: Within 1 week of your interview.

Sample Residency Thank You Letter Content

Possible Letter of Interest Subject Lines:

Addressed To:

Residency Thank You Letter Content:

  1. Thanks and gratitude for the interview opportunity.
  2. Reminder of the date the interview took place.
  3. Mentioning memorable moments from the interview (when addressing the Thank You to that particular interviewer).
  4. Summarizing your reasons for interest in that particular program + why you are a good fit.
  5. Hope and desire to potentially work together in the future.

Remember, do NOT send Thank You Letters to programs who specifically tell you not to. Doing so implies you cannot follow directions, which is of course a bad thing.

Sending Letters of Intent to Residency Programs

The Goal: Confirm with top programs you’ve interviewed at that you intend on ranking them highly. Consider specifically signaling your number one program.

Send To: Top 3-7 programs appearing on your Rank Order List. Consider a special letter for your number one residency choice.

When to Send: Send approximately 2 weeks before the Rank Order List opens to 2 weeks before the Rank Order List Deadline.

Sample Residency Letter of Intent Content

Possible Letter of Interest Subject Lines:

Addressed To:

Residency Letter of Interest Content:

  1. A reminder of when you had your interview.
  2. An announcement of your intention to rank highly.
  3. Specific details you like about the program that you have not mentioned in previous correspondence:
  4. Any other reasons you are interested in the program.
  5. Any additional strengths you have as an applicant that you feel would benefit the program.
  6. Close with your intention to rank highly and desire to work together in the near future.

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