Any person who conducts business in the City or has a business based in the City must obtain a business license on or before the date the business commences. This includes home-based and online businesses, residential and commercial real estate rentals. If you have any questions, please contact staff at 510-215-3030.
Renewing a Business License
It is your responsibility to renew the business license on time. If you do not receive a City courtesy notice two weeks prior to the expiration date, please contact City staff immediately. Penalties are assessed for delinquent accounts, regardless of whether or not you receive a courtesy renewal notice.
Please submit the renewal form and payment to staff by the expiration date.
PAYMENT OPTIONSApplying for a New Business License
5. If your application is for a commercial business, staff will contact you to schedule a City inspection. Prepare for the inspection by reviewing the Business License Inspection Checklist .
6. City staff will issue you a business license. Business licenses are valid for one year. If you decide to change the location of your business, the new information must be supplied to the City of San Pablo. Business licenses are not automatically canceled. Please let us know if your business is closed by sending a written notification or give us a call.
Issued Business Licenses