Financial Aid

Financial aid is a means of reducing a student’s educational costs. Such costs include direct expenses, such as tuition, fees, books and supplies, and indirect expenses, such as room and board, transportation and personal expenses. Aid is available to students through state, federal and local government; through many private sources, such as industrial, service, civic and fraternal groups; and directly through colleges and universities.

Awards at Amarillo College are made on the basis of financial need, academic progress, achievement or other qualifications required by the donors of the funds. The financial need of a student is the difference between reasonable expenses during an academic year and the amount which the student/family can be expected to contribute toward these expenses. This is called the “Expected Family Contribution.”

Students must be enrolled at least half-time at Amarillo College to be eligible for most financial aid. Federal Pell grants can be paid to less- than-half-time students. For financial aid purposes, less than half-time means that a student must be enrolled in 1-5 credit hours; half-time, 6-8 credit hours; three-quarter time, 9-11 credit hours; and full-time, 12 credit hours or more.

The U.S. Department of Education frequently changes regulations pertaining to financial aid. Amarillo College attempts to comply with all legislative mandates and Federal regulations. The Financial Aid Office reserves the right to make policy and procedure changes during the award year.

Students who are in default on a Guaranteed Student Loan from any institution may enroll for classes at Amarillo College but will not be able to receive an official academic transcript or any financial aid as long as any Guaranteed Student Loan is in default.

Rights and Responsibilities

You have the right to ask:

It is your responsibility to:

Ability to Benefit

To receive Title IV (Federal) funds at Amarillo College, a student must have a high school diploma or have passed the General Educational Development Test (GED). A student who does not have a high school diploma or GED must pass an examination approved by the U.S. Department of Education before receiving Federal funds. The ACCUPLACER Test is the approved examination used by Amarillo College and is independently administered by the Testing Center at Amarillo College. In addition to other Accuplacer Requirements, students must also request and pass the arithmetic exam.


Major Programs

Federal regulations require that in order for a degree or certificate program to be eligible for Title IV funds, the program must consist of at least 16 semester hours and have Department of Education approval. The Amarillo College Catalog lists programs of less than 16 semester hours; however, students who enroll in these majors will not be eligible for Title IV funds. “Pending” or non-degree seeking majors are not eligible programs.

Grants and Scholarships

Amarillo College provides a comprehensive program of grants, scholarships and work opportunities to assist students in their academic pursuits. Interested students should contact the Financial Aid Office.


Emergency Loans are for educational and related expenses, bear no interest, and require repayment within 30 days or the end of the semester currently attending. The maximum emergency loan is $50. Application can be made at the Financial Aid Office.

The Federal Family Education Loan Program permits students who are eligible to obtain low-interest loans from a lending institution. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be filed prior to applying for a loan.

Federal Work-Study and Student Workers

The Federal Work-Study Program and Institutional Work Study provides jobs for students on campus. Students must be enrolled at least half-time, and for Federal Work Study establish need by filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Hazlewood Act

Veterans who were residents of Texas at the time of enlistment in the Armed Forces, who are Texas residents at the time of enrollment and have resided in Texas for at least the past 12 months, and who are not eligible for VA assistance or any educational benefits under Federal legislation in effect at the time of registration may apply for exemption from payment of tuition under the Hazlewood Act. This application is made through the Financial Aid Office and requires that a copy of the student’s WD53 or DD214 be filed with this office.

Individuals may receive both Hazlewood and Pell or SEOG at the same time. There is a maximum of 150 credit hours for which a person may receive benefit under Hazlewood. This limit is on credit hours attempted, not credit hours completed.

Veterans Affairs

Amarillo College is approved by the Texas Education Agency to offer instruction to students attending college under the various laws commonly referred to as the GI Bill. Eligible students should contact the Veterans Certification Clerk, in the Registrar’s Office, prior to registration to obtain needed information relative to their benefits, enrollment and certification of attendance.

Tuition and fees must be paid by the student. Those depending solely on VA benefits should have all paperwork completed with the AC Veterans Affairs Office and a request for advance payment submitted at least 60 days before registration.

Students must advise the AC Veterans Certification Clerk each semester of hours in which they are enrolled and should contact the clerk when making course changes, a change of major, or when withdrawing from college. Academic probation or suspension (unsatisfactory progress) as described on page 29 may result in suspension of benefits.

Veterans Rehabilitation: Application for this assistance should be made to the Vocational Rehabilitation and Counseling Division, VA Outpatient Clinic, 6104 Ave. Q. South Drive #900, Lubbock, Texas 79412.

Rehabilitation Assistance

The Texas Rehabilitation Commission offers assistance for tuition and required fees to students who have certain physical or emotional handicaps, provided the vocational objective selected by the handicapped person has been approved by an appropriate representative of the Commission. Application for this type of assistance should be made to the Texas Rehabilitation Commission, 5809 S. Western, Amarillo, Texas 79109.

How to Apply for Financial Aid

The financial aid award will be packaged from a variety of sources and will be based on the financial need and program eligibility of the student and, of course, the availability of funds. Students are advised to apply for all types of aid.

Federal, State and College regulations concerning financial aid can change from year to year.

Applications for financial aid will not be considered complete until all required forms are on file in the Financial Aid Office.

Amarillo College requires students applying for financial aid to submit the following:

All applications may be downloaded from the Financial Aid Department site located at Students should apply early and must reapply each year.

Any student or prospective student desiring specific program information may call (806) 3 71-5000 or come to the Financial Aid Office in the Student Service Center.


Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Federal regulations require any institution that disburses Federal Title IV student aid (grants, loans and federal work study) to establish, publish and observe a Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP). SAP is a standard for measuring whether a student is maintaining satisfactory progress in his or her course of study. A student’s total academic record at Amarillo College is used to measure satisfactory progress even if the student did not previously receive aid. Student financial aid as defined in this policy applies to Federal Title IV and state aid.


To be eligible to begin receiving student financial aid at Amarillo College, a student must meet the following criteria:

Maintaining Eligibility

To maintain eligibility, a student must meet the following criteria:

Funding At Must Complete
Full time 12+ semester hours
Three-quarter time 9-11 semester hours
Half-time 6-8 semester hours
Less-than-half time at least 1 semester hour

For Grant Recipients:
Enrollment status is based upon the number of semester hours in which a student is enrolled and attending by the census date. Students can add and drop classes up to the census date and receive funding for the number of hours in which they are enrolled and attending.

For recipients of Guaranteed Student Loan Funding:
Enrollment status is based upon the number of hours in which the student is enrolled and attending either on the date the first loan check is disbursed or the census date of the semester, whichever is last.


Students may lose eligibility to receive financial aid if the student:

The first semester in which one of the above situations occurs, the student will go on Financial Aid Probation. Once on probation, the student can receive Title IV financial aid for the following or future semesters, but must complete all classes funded for and maintain a 2.0 GPA. If the student completes the minimum number of hours based on his/her enrollment status and maintains a 2.0 GPA during the next semester attended with financial aid, the student’s status will return to satisfactory. Failure to complete hours or maintain a 2.0 GPA while on Financial Aid Probation will result in the student going on Financial Aid Suspension at the end of the semester. Students on Financial Aid Suspension may NOT receive Federal Title IV funding or state funds.

Completing 150 percent of your degree or certificate program will always result in a student going on Financial Aid Suspension, but a student may appeal to the Financial Aid Committee.

Maximum Time Frame

The maximum time frame in which a student must complete his or her degree can be no longer than 150 percent of the published length of the student’s major. For example: if the Amarillo College Catalog lists a major which is 64 hours in length, the student will automatically be placed on suspension for maximum time frame after the student has attempted 96 hours, which is 150 percent of the 64 hours required for the major (64 x 1.5 = 96).

Repeated Courses

Any course in which an I, W, X, N or AU is received does not count as a completed course. Students may receive funding for repeated courses; however, both the repeated course and the original course will be counted towards 150 percent of the declared degree or certificate.

Remedial/Developmental Courses

Students required to enroll in remedial or developmental courses are eligible for financial aid as long as the total number of remedial/developmental hours attempted does not exceed 30 semester hours.

Financial Aid Suspension

Students must first make an appeal to the Financial Aid Review Committee. Criteria that may influence the committee’s decision include: class attendance, completion of assignments, substantiated academic progress in courses required for a degree, unusual circumstances, use of campus supportive services, and timely response to Financial Aid Office contracts.

Students in good academic standing may appeal the Financial Aid Review Committee’s decision regarding their financial aid suspension through the Amarillo College Financial Aid Appeals Committee. Written procedures are available in the Financial Aid Office.

Students on financial aid suspension, for reasons other than Maximum Time Frame, may remove themselves from financial aid suspension if they successfully complete 6 consecutive semester hours with no drops and a 2.0 GPA for those 6 semester hours.

During the time a student is attempting to complete credit hours to remove himself/herself from suspension, any class in which an I, W, X, N or AU will negate all hours attempted to this point. Therefore, the student would begin the above process again to remove himself/herself from suspension.

After completing the 6 consecutive hours, the student would be placed on financial aid probation. Students using summer hours to lift suspension will not be removed from suspension until the completion of the entire Summer semester. Upon completion of their consecutive hours, the student must submit a review request to the Financial Aid Office.

Award Process

Awards will be made in date order in which files are complete. Files are considered complete after all required forms are on file in the Financial Aid Office. FSEOG will be awarded only to Pell recipients in lowest EFC order. Awards will be made according to the policy until all FSEOG funds are used.

Amarillo College preference dates for filing for financial aid are as follows:

Fall Semester - March 31
Spring Semester - October 28
Summer Semester - April 1

This means students’ files must be complete by the above dates if a student is to be awarded by the beginning of that term. These dates are not deadlines, other than the term commitment, and they are in no way cut-off dates for types and amounts of aid. Notification of the total amount of aid awarded, as well as the amount of aid awarded through each program, will be sent to eligible students via AC student-assigned email with instruction on how to access their “award letter.”

Release of Funds

Financial Aid funds will be released according to Federal guidelines and the Financial Aid Disbursement schedule, available from the Financial Aid Department website. Students with incomplete applications should make arrangement to pay their initial expenses (e.g. tuition, books) from their own resources. Once the application is complete, eligible students will receive funds as soon as possible.

Payments are made in two forms:

All checks payable to the student will be mailed. Federal- Work Study employment earnings are paid every two weeks. Any financial aid funds issued will first be applied to the balance due Amarillo College before being issued to students.


A refund policy stating how the College treats refunds to Title IV recipients is available on the Financial Aid Department website. According to the provisions of the Higher Education Amendments of 1998, if a student withdraws or stops attending all classes on or before the 60 percent point of the period of enrollment (Pell Grant, ACG Grant SEOG and Stafford Loan) a portion of the funds awarded to the student must be returned. The calculation of the return of these funds may result in the student owing a balance to Amarillo College and/or the Federal Government.

PLEASE NOTE: Financial aid rules and regulations can be very confusing. Please call the Financial Aid Office for assistance or explanations (371- 5310).