ICEPDF, Java PDF Viewer library

Fork of IcePDF library, maven build and additional print support


Fork of icepdf version 6.1.1 version with internal re-org and enhancements.

Part of re-org project has been moved to maven project structure. New modules introduced for better management and reuse.

Project Modules


ICEPDF API, as is from SVN repository. Additional support classes are added to get clean compile of the project.

Maven dependency

dependency> groupId>org.pdf4j.icepdfgroupId> artifactId>pdf4j-icepdf-coreartifactId> version>6.1.1version> dependency>


Simple Java POJO classes provides the ability to print support form java applications.

Maven dependency

dependency> groupId>org.pdf4j.icepdfgroupId> artifactId>pdf4j-icepdf-printartifactId> version>6.1.1version> dependency>

Console Printing

Use command line to print PDF files silently.

For projects which cannot use GPL based library can use the Apache license version

java -jar pdf4j-icepdf-print-6.1.1-asl.jar -file "PDF File name" -printer "Printer Name" 

For those who can use GPL, use GPL version. Make a note, this require manual build to activate gpl profile -Pgpl .

java -jar pdf4j-icepdf-print-6.1.1-gpl.jar -file "PDF File name" -printer "Printer Name" 
Parameter details: -file "pdf file name", required field -printer "printer name", Optional default printer used when ignored -help Print this usage help. 


This PDF4J ICEPDF Print API provide limited features for silent printing.

For more advanced print features and control, use PDF4J Print API which gives better print support and control.

PDF Java Viewer

ICEPDF Java Viewer, as is from SVN repository.

Maven dependency

dependency> groupId>org.pdf4j.icepdfgroupId> artifactId>pdf4j-icepdf-viewerartifactId> version>6.1.1version> dependency>

Using Standalone Java Swing Viewer

Standalone PDF Viewer, with self contained classes in a single jar file. Use manual build to create GPL jar file.

java -jar pdf4j-icepdf-viewerapp-asl.jar 
java -jar pdf4j-icepdf-viewerapp-gpl.jar 

Manual Build for GPL use

For those who want use levigo jbig2 needs to manually build using gpl profile. Currently PRINT and VIEWER modules support these profile.

cd print or cd viewerapp mvn clean package -Pgpl 


All contributions and work performed by PDF4J Team is applicable under ASL 2.0