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Benefit Guide 2024/25


Visit our form downloads section. All downloads are in PDF format.

Add or remove dependants

Declaration of income

Affidavit: Registered dependants

Application for ex-gratia

Membership continuation

Existing employee member application

New Employee Member Application

Change of Banking Details

Termination of Membership

Vehicle Accident Questionnaire

Pensioner Income Verification

Plan Selection Form 2022–2023


OMSMAF For Your Information Booklets in downloadable PDF format.

All About Membership

Claiming Made Easy

More About Your Fund

Personal Medical Savings Account

Prescribed Minimum Benefits

Travel Benefits

Escalation Process

Vaccination Schedule

Dental Guidelines

OMSMAF Contraceptive List


OMSMAF brochures in downloadable PDF format.

SELECT list hospitals 2023/2024

FAQs 2023

Member Guide 2024/25

New Benefit Year 2023/24

Plan Selection Form 2023/24

Maternity Brochure


CMS - How to Choose Your Medical Scheme

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