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November 1, 2021Building on its longstanding commitment to communities across America, Honda today announced an enhanced comprehensive corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy to strengthen the company’s.
Building on its longstanding commitment to communities across America, Honda today announced an enhanced comprehensive corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy to strengthen the company’s support of the communities where its associates live and work. Honda’s CSR commitment is structured around five CSR pillars—Education, Environment, Mobility, Traffic Safety and Community—and includes giving from both Honda and the Honda USA foundation.
“By aligning our CSR strategy around key areas of our societal commitment, Honda is taking steps toward our goal of helping people reach their life’s potential,” said Yvette Hunsicker, vice president of the Corporate Social Responsibility and Inclusion & Diversity Divisions, American Honda Motor Co., Inc. “We are committed to making positive and lasting change in our communities, whether that’s through financial contributions or the volunteer efforts of our associates.”
This new strategy allows the CSR division to better align with the company’s global philanthropy goals and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
CSR Pillars Strengthen Community Support
Honda’s vision for CSR now centers on five pillars, grounded in Honda’s corporate values, and will be supported by Honda and the Honda USA Foundation.
Honda Giving
As a part of Honda’s new CSR strategy, Honda consolidated its three former U.S. foundations—the American Honda Foundation, Honda of America Foundation and Honda Marine Science Foundation—into one, the Honda USA Foundation. The foundation will collaborate with like-minded organizations to drive sustainable change in marginalized communities. The company also has streamlined its charitable giving to offer both corporate and foundation funding opportunities.
Honda and the Honda USA Foundation will provide funding with a focus on eligible organizations that support communities located near the company’s major operations and align with its strategic pillars. The funding cycle for both corporate and foundation giving will open each fall with specified award categories, and approved funding will be distributed in the spring. At times, Honda also may provide invitation-only opportunities to key community partners.
Honda and the Honda USA Foundation are now accepting applications through,November 30, 2021 in the areas of the Environment, Mobility and Traffic Safety. Eligible organizations can apply for more than one award category from either Honda or the Honda USA Foundation, but may not submit the same project under multiple award categories. To learn more about funding opportunities and eligibility criteria, please visit: https://csr.honda.com/community/honda-giving/.
About Honda Corporate Social Responsibility