Tax preparation agreement sample illinois

Tax Preparation Service Agreement

Tax Filing Fees

Client shall pay a one-time flat fee as agreed in the attached invoice, which will not be placed in a trust account, to Service Provider within 2 days after we contacted the Client and assessed personal situation.

Client understand that s/he is responsible for the tax owed to the government.

The service fees paid covers the general tax filing forms (For example, 1040/1040-NR for individual, 1120related for Business) . All our products (including but not limited to Red Panda, Giant Panda, Master Panda, Super Panda, Legacy Panda) cover the tax preparation for income generated within the U.S. Any other services and/or reporting from overseas are not included with this purchase.

Limited Scope of Tax Service

We will prepare your tax return and filings based on information you provide. In the event your return is audited, you will be responsible for verifying the items reported. Tax Panda’s maximum liability relating to services rendered under this engagement (regardless of form of action, whether in contract, negligence or otherwise) shall be limited to the charges paid to us for the portion of its services or work products giving rise to liability. Tax Panda shall not be liable for consequential, special, incidental, or punitive loss, damage, or expense (including without limitation, lost profits, opportunity costs, penalty, interest etc.), even if it has been advised of their possible existence under any circumstances.

It is important that you review the return carefully before signing to make sure the information is correct. Unless otherwise stated, the services for preparation of your return do not include auditing, review, or any other verification or assurance. You specifically agree that:

  1. The Tax Accountant is relying entirely on the facts, information and documents you provide. The Tax Accountant will not make any independent investigation of your facts or information, or the authenticity of any documents you provide. It is therefore extremely important that you are completely truthful as to any information you provide.
  2. You affirm that all expenses or other deduction amounts are accurate and that you have all required supporting written records. In some cases, we will ask to review your documentation.
  3. You must be able to provide written records of all items included on your return if audited by either the IRS or state tax authority. We can provide guidance concerning what evidence is acceptable.
  4. You must review the return carefully before signing to make sure the information is correct. The IRS stresses that no matter who prepares it, by signing the return, the taxpayer becomes legally responsible for the accuracy of all information included.
  5. Tax Preparation Fees must be paid before your tax return is delivered to you or filed for you. If you terminate this engagement before completion, you agree to pay a fee for work completed. A retainer is required for preparation of late returns.
  6. You should keep a copy of your tax return and any related tax documents. You may be assessed a fee if you request a copy in the future.
  7. The Tax Accountant is not promising you a favorable outcome. The determination of any refund or credit is solely at the discretion of the IRS, the refund is not guaranteed.
  8. The Tax Accountant service ends when you consent for us to e-file or you sign the paper tax forms.

Privacy Policy

The nature of our work requires us to collect certain nonpublic information. We collect financial and personal information from applications, worksheets, reporting statements, and other forms, as well as interviews and conversations with our clients and affiliates. We may also review banking and credit card information about our clients in the performance of receipt of payment. Under our policy, all information we obtain about you will be provided by you or obtained with your permission. Our firm has procedures and policies in place to protect your confidential information. We restrict access to your confidential information to those within our firm who need to know in order to provide you with services. We will not disclose your personal information to a third party without your permission, except where required by law. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards in compliance with federal regulations that protect your personal information from unauthorized access.

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision that would cause the application of Laws of any jurisdiction other than those of the State of New York.
Any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its Arbitration Rules.

Client’s Consent

I have read this Agreement and I understand it. By purchasing of Tax Panda product, I indicate my consent to the terms of this agreement, that the tax services listed above are the only tax services to be provided by the Tax Accountant. I understand and agree that the tax accountant who is helping me with these services is not my accounting representative for any other purpose and does not have to give me more accounting and tax help.

I understand that the Tax Preparation Fees and its payment schedule described in the attached invoice is my payment for the services of the Tax Preparation Fee (“Tax Fee”). I agree to pay the Tax Fees to the Tax Accountant.

By consenting to the terms of this Agreement, I grant Tax Panda Inc the permission to receive, store, forward, and review communications between myself and the Tax Accountant, solely for the purpose of facilitating such communications and the Tax services under this Agreement. I understand that Tax Panda Inc has agreed to keep such communications and the information contained therein confidential to at least the same level of privacy as required by the Tax Accountant under the laws and rules governing the Accountant’s communications with me. To the extent this Agreement conflicts with the Privacy Policy , this Agreement controls.