
Modern Treaties constitutionally-protect the recognition of Indigenous rights and title and reconcile pre-existing First Nations’ sovereignty, title and rights with assumed Crown sovereignty, title and rights.

Modern Treaties are living agreements capable of evolving over time based on the co-existence of First Nation and Crown governments and the ongoing process of reconciliation. Treaties do not extinguish the rights, including title, in form or result.

To learn about recent innovations and why treaties are negotiated, visit the Why Treaties page.

Negotiations Update

The made-in-BC treaty negotiations process is voluntary and open to all First Nations in British Columbia. There are 65 self-determining First Nations, representing 110 Indian Act bands in B.C., that have entered and participated in, or have completed treaties through the treaty negotiations process. There have been recent innovations and all First Nations participating in the negotiations framework can benefit from flexible and incremental approaches to negotiations and recognizing their rights and title, and reconciling with the Canada and British Columbia.

Currently there are 37 self-determining First Nations, representing 65 current or former Indian Act bands that are in active or completed negotiations of treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements.

For the most recent information on negotiations, please see the latest annual report and visit the Negotiations Update page.