What Types of Jobs Use Geometry?

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Most students have founds themselves sitting in a class, wondering, “When am I ever going to use this stuff?” The truth is, most academic subjects can lead to career paths, and geometry is no exception. If you find yourself enjoying or excelling in geometry, or remember it fondly from school, there are several career options to consider.

Computer graphic design

From making movies to creating beautiful artwork, the world of computerized graphic design is constantly growing and changing. Animated movies use geometry to create life-like 3-D images. In addition, the graphic design related to video game creation includes functions of geometry, says the EscherMath website. Computers easily understand geometric shapes, so knowing how to use shapes to create concrete or abstract images is essential to understanding computer graphic design.


Creating the range of motion for robots and robotic equipment is a function of geometry. According to the Geometry in Action website, determining the angles and arcs that robotic equipment is capable of requires geometrical computation as well as algebra. In addition, geometry is important in designing the manipulation of robotic equipment. The ability to easily control robotics down to minute motions is what makes the technology so versatile, and that can’t be done without geometry.

Medical imaging

Medical imaging is a method used for reconstructing shapes from inside the human body. For example, if a CAT scan reveals a tumor, a medical imaging specialist can then use the data from the scan, along with the principles of geometry, to construct a three-dimensional model that is the size, shape and density of the tumor. Likewise, this geometrical skill can be applied to reconstructing organs, bones, and virtually any other item from the human body, according to the Geometry in Action site.


Structural geometry is a subject intertwined with building construction, structural engineering and architecture. Determining the stability of structure and how to construct components within it requires a clear understanding of geometrics and the interaction between various shapes and weights. Even the design and construction of bridges are results of geometrical equations, say the experts at the Geometry of Bridge Construction website.


According to the EscherMath website, geometry allows astronomers to plan observations and reconstruct bodies in outer space such as asteroids. If gazing at the stars is something you enjoy, consider pairing your love of the night sky with your skills in geometry to become an astronomer. Not only can astronomers can be teachers or researchers at universities, but they can also work in the lucrative defense or aerospace industries, suggests the National Optical Astronomy Observatories.