Test environments: Everything you need to know

Learn how the landscape of test environments has evolved to meet the needs of modern architecture.

The quest for access to stable test environments was once a universal struggle for development teams. Imagine you complete a new feature, and it works perfectly. However, you are eager to see if it works in the real world, where it will be integrated with other code changes. Until then, you are stuck in the land of “it works on my machine,” a place no developer wants to be. Before you can push the new feature to production, you must thoroughly test your code, and to do that, you need access to the right environments.

The concept of test environments has changed drastically over the past decade. Software has moved from running on-prem and in data centers to running in the cloud. The software development life cycle has changed from waterfall to more agile approaches. Testing has moved from manual to automation, and we’ve shifted from dev and ops operating independently to implementing DevOps best practices. We haven’t changed everything, but we’re really close!

This post redefines test environments for today’s modern development organization. Not every team has or even needs every environment, but it’s important to understand the differences so that you can pick what’s best for your team.

To be clear – the test environments are only the first step. You’ll also need to run the appropriate tests at each stage, but ensuring that you have access to suitable test environments is your starting point.

What is a test environment?

A test environment is simply a place to test code before pushing it through to the next stage in the pipeline, and reliable test environments are critical for rapidly delivering stable code. A test environment can be a long-standing environment that is always available, or it can be ephemeral, spun up just for your code branch. Ephemeral environments give you more flexibility and can reduce costs, but even static environments can be scheduled to shut down during off hours to reduce spending. Each type of test environment has its own disparate database, some with data more closely mirroring production data than others. Let’s take a closer look!

Local environment/development environment

The local environment where code is first written and debugged is essentially the first test environment in the deployment pipeline. Development occurs within an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) on your computer. Here you can make code changes and see the effects immediately, creating a tight feedback loop for efficient development.

The term ‘development environment’ can mean different things for different teams. At one time, it referred to a separate environment where code changes were merged with the main branch for the first time. With containerization, the developer’s own machine, the local environment, can now easily serve as the development environment in that regard. Your source code management system (i.e., Github) can also be viewed as part of your development environment since it merges your code with the main branch, runs tests, and provides feedback. Therefore, the responsibility of the development environment has been distributed, but some things remain the same.

There is no expectation of stability in the local/development environment, and it is a safe place to make changes without fear of affecting live customers or destabilizing long-running tests. In your local environment, you should update your codebase regularly with the main branch to ensure that your branch doesn’t get too far out of sync. This will make it easier to merge your code into the main branch when the time comes.

Writing new unit tests and automated functional tests for your code changes is a good practice. You should also run all existing automated tests before submitting your code changes for review. Once you open a pull request, your source control management system will test for mergeability with the main branch, and you should configure it to run all your automated tests again and to block the pull request from being merged unless all the tests pass. This way, the development environment’s benefits are achieved on your local machine before your pull request is even opened and again by your source control management system as part of your quality checks.

As valuable as unit tests are, you’ll also want to test your code in a more real-world scenario. In this case, you will likely need to mock or integrate with other systems required to run the entire application. Luckily, Architect can run your full application stack directly on your laptop using the Architect CLI. The configuration for the part of the application you are developing indicates which versions of other components it needs. Getting the entire application suite up and running gives you an additional level of confidence that your code will play well with the rest of the code in production.

Whatever system serves as your development environment, this is the place where the first level of testing happens.

Test environment

Traditionally, QA engineers have run manual and automated tests in the test environment. By the time your code changes reach this environment, they should be more stable since they have already passed automated tests. This environment gives QA engineers the reliability they need to run their tests and more control over when new code changes are introduced. If your development process includes manual verification, the test environment is typically where those tests are run.

While your unit tests have confirmed the inputs and outputs of small chunks of logic in your code, the tests run in this environment may include end-to-end tests that verify how your code integrates with other systems. Test data may be seeded before the tests run and destroyed once the tests are complete, or tests may reuse a database that contains the expected data.

The test environment requires less processing power than your production environment since it will never host live traffic. For physical or virtual servers, this means less CPU and memory. For containerized applications, this means fewer replicas, especially for tangential services. However, any test that evaluates performance should be run in an environment with enough power to handle the load for the results to be valid.

While this environment may not be necessary for modern applications with fully automated tests, it is still reassuring for developers to see their code running somewhere other than their own machines before opening a pull request. However, maintaining test environments can be a tedious task for DevOps engineers.

Architect allows you to deploy code changes to a free preview environment that is self-contained, spun up for testing, and then destroyed, and no one has to maintain your test environment.

You’ll have access to your application and all its dependencies, and you can share the URL with stakeholders for early feedback. This means you can quickly iterate on a feature before ever submitting a pull request.

Staging environment

The staging environment mimics the production environment as closely as possible. It is the final dress rehearsal before putting the code in front of live customers. This environment contains similar data, perhaps even the same data, that lives in production, but it uses a separate database from the production environment.

The infrastructure and scaling policies should be as close to the production environment as possible. To save costs, you may configure additional replicas to spin up only once the demand reaches a certain threshold and shut down all instances during off hours, but your testing in this environment is only as valid as the environment itself. If it varies too greatly from production, the test results may not be reliable. Think of your staging environment as a mirror for production, minus the customer traffic. You’ll also want to use the same security policies and secret management processes as you use in production. Architect helps you promote ingress policies and secrets from the local environment to staging to production with the declarative nature of the architect.yml configuration file.

Though this environment is not exposed to end users, it should be treated as though it is. It is essential to monitor this environment closely, both to detect bugs and to ensure that the monitoring that is in place is adequate for troubleshooting problems, since once code is pushed to production, your monitoring tools are all you have to work with to find the root cause of issues.

The staging environment is also where you test your processes for spinning up replicas and deploying code. You should use the same processes here that you use in production. The code is not the only thing under test in the staging environment.

On to production!

Once you have developed and debugged your code changes locally, allowed your source control management system to merge and run automated tests, pushed your code to a test environment for more thorough testing, and released your changes all the way to staging, you are only one push away from moving your code changes to production. The production environment is the real deal. This is where customers access your application and where real business takes place.

Don’t forget that your production environment is also a test environment! You can utilize feature flags to perform canary testing so that new functionality can be exposed to a limited set of users, or even just to internal users, giving you the ability to learn from their behavior and make any necessary adjustments before releasing the feature to your entire user-base.

This moves the testing needle from “does this even work” to “does this work well”, raising your quality bar. Feature flags also allow you to deploy code even if the feature is not yet complete. Testing with feature flags means more frequent deployments, but this means smaller deployments, and smaller deployments make it easier to recover from problems.

Another way you can test in production is with blue-green deployments. In this case, you run two identical instances of your application where one instance receives traffic and the other does not. The instance not receiving traffic gets continuous updates from your CI/CD system, and automated and manual tests run here. At any time, the inactive instance can become the live instance, and the live instance becomes the passive instance where continuous delivery occurs. It’s like flipping a switch from one instance to the other, but they are both production.

Learn more about staging, production, and modern continuous delivery

Development teams want to deploy code with higher velocity and higher quality without making tradeoffs. Having the right environment through each stage of the development life cycle is critical, and using the right tools and strategies in each environment can make a big impact on meeting these goals.

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